Mark Kelly of Safety Marking LLC. proudly sponsors a fundraising event to benefit The Thomas Merton Center. The Center is a program of Catholic Charities of Fairfield County, Inc. located in Bridgeport CT, proudly serving 400 meals a day and provides a safe and hope-filled community.
The Celebrity Breakfast was held on May 19, 2022, at the new Guest House at Sacred Heart University in West Campus, Easton Turnpike, Fairfield, CT.
Billy Blanks, JR shares his personal journey to success as a world-famous fitness guru, actor, and dancer – in the shadow of famous parents to near homelessness and lessons learned along way. Billy finally broke through after inking a deal with Daymond John and Mark Cuban on Shark Tank.
Mark Kelly and his Team at Safety Marking played a lead role in organizing this successful event of over 100 sponsors in attendance. A sincere thank you to the Center’s Gold Sponsor, Day Pitney, LLP