Mark Kelly of Safety Marking LLC. launches the campaign: Safety, It’s More than our First Name.

For almost 50 years, Safety Marking has been tirelessly working to make travel safer. Safer for Pedestrians, the motoring public and air traffic.

Every line on every street, every highway and on every runaway begins with a decision to be safe. It’s more than PPE and reflective tape, more than following laws and guidelines. It’s about a frame of mind; it’s about me and you and knowing what’s right and choosing to do it. SMC’s commitment to safety began in 1973, and it lives on today in every decision we make. Every day each one of us has the power to choose better, smarter, safer.

Mark Kelly is the Founder and President of Safety Marking, Inc. He started the company in 1973 as a small family-owned striping business servicing Fairfield County, Connecticut and has grown to becoming a pavement marking leader, providing top-notch services in New York, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Safety is an integral part of the company’s mission statement at the forefront of all business decisions and strategy.