The annual coat drive was supported again by SMC in Bridgeport CT, November 2022. During our Thanksgiving season the team at Safety Marking LLC. donated more than 100 coats to the Thomas Merton Center in Bridgeport, CT. SMC continues their commitment to helping those in need and providing essential provisions like outerwear and food in preparation for the holidays. Thanksgiving can be a difficult time for families lacking the financial stability to support their families. Our team packed staple items to help put healthy meals on their tables this season.

SMC is committed to their longstanding partnership with the Thomas Merton Center whose sole mission is to help the needy and most vulnerable (of all faiths) to permanently improve their lives. Together with Catholic Charities they provide supportive services that enable families to rise out of poverty, overcome barriers, and achieve self-sufficiency and independence. The Thomas Merton Center has provided a loving, safe, and hope-filled community that responds to the needs of its guests and residents and respects the dignity of each person. 

Mark Kelly of Safety Marking is the Founder and President of the pavement striping company based in Bridgeport, CT. Mark Kelly recognizes the importance of giving back to the local community and has made a lifelong commitment to providing help to those families in need. Mark Kelly has also been a member of The Thomas Merton Center Advisory Board in Bridgeport, CT for over 20 years. He is committed to the very important work they do of providing safety and hope to those who need it most.