Companies want great employees, and great employees want to grow with companies that encourage better opportunities and development from within the organization. An excellent benefit to offer employees in today’s competitive job market is to encourage employees to get additional certifications and licenses.

Safety Marking LLC., one of the top pavement marking companies in the industry, advocates employees enhancing their skills and knowledge through industry-specific certifications such as ATSSA Traffic Control Technician, Traffic Control Supervisor, and ATSSA Flagger Certification Course. The family-owned business is based out of Bridgeport, CT and has found success by supporting employee growth and providing premium-quality service, innovation, and core safety practices. Below, Safety Marking leaders share five reasons why companies should support employees advancing their skill sets and education through additional certifications and licenses.

1. Attract and Retain Best Employees

When hiring employees in such a competitive job market, benefits can make a company stand out. When a new hire sees that they can grow into future leaders within the company, that is a plus for hiring and retaining great employees who wish to develop their careers with the business. Motivating employees to get licenses and certifications opens the door for opportunities to move up in the company by expanding fundamental business skills and job-specific technical abilities.

2. Gain Greater Confidence In Employees’ Work

It is a great feeling for any company leader to assign an employee a task and confidently know that employee can both handle it and execute it safely and correctly, especially in the construction industry. Grant your executives in the company peace of mind by encouraging educational pursuits and skills development for employees that support a well-rounded and capable workforce able to meet the ever-changing needs of the business.

3. Instill Reliability In Your Business

Give your clients greater confidence in your business as well as boost your business’ reputation by inspiring employees to obtain certifications and licenses. Receiving professional certificates can raise the professional standard for employees to perform more efficiently, ultimately creating a more reliable team member for your company. The more capable and reliable team members and company employees are, the more likely the company will be able to withstand market instability and fluctuations in the consumer base.

4. Reduce Risks and Increase Safety

It is no secret that an employee with entry-level skill sets can create a higher risk of error for companies. For companies like Safety Marking LLC., practicing safety is a core value. Certified professionals are more aware of safety precautions and the necessary steps to take when safety is at risk. Plus, when new employees arrive, employees with certifications are ready to guide beginners with a formal understanding of how best practices are implemented and why compliance is so important.

5. Enhance Productivity 

Companies such as Microsoft, IDC, CompTIA, and Novell have studies to reflect the proof behind enhanced productivity from employees with professional certifications. Additional licenses and certifications instill better skills to further prepare workers to meet daily obstacles and challenges. Industry-specific certificates also show employees how to take advantage of new technologies to generate more innovative outcomes and solutions.

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